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How to leave a legacy as a parent

1. Live your legacy.

Our children listen to us most intently by watching us live. So live with character, conviction, and passion. The most indelible legacy is the way that we live.

Meet Malinda Camp, who was a faithful volunteer of our Fisher House until her untimely passing in 2016.  She lived her servant leadership loud in front of her children, and this past week, her son and daughter prepared one of her favorite recipes, Cornish Hens for our families on the anniversary of her passing.  A tradition they have started and plan to do each year.

Here is the recipe,

A challenge to all of us to live so loudly setting a good example for our children that our spirit remains with them, and the blessings continue well into the future.

Malinda was a dedicated Air Force spouse and went above and beyond whatever was expected of her. She volunteered for many leadership positions in military communities and schools. Malinda was a pioneer in providing quality infant and child care for Air Force families. She possessed the charisma and leadership qualities to motivate people to embrace her mission and to excel in whatever they did. In 1994 Malinda became a Federal Civilian Employee with the Department of the Air Force. She quickly became an authority in field of Child Development in the Air Force. She dedicated her life to the noble causes of providing quality care and treatment for the children of our nation’s warriors. When our nation’s heroes died, she saw to their proper burial and to caring for their survivors and families. Malinda devoted 44 years of exemplary service to the United States as an Air Force Spouse and a Federal Civilian Employee. At the time of her death at age 67, Malinda was serving as the Flight Chief for Airman and Family Services at Eglin Air Force Base FL.

Memorial Contributions for Jeff Lange

We are blessed with families who stay with us and are blessed by your generosity.  Often these kind souls and their families pay it forward and such is the case with the Lange family.  They stayed with us and in their time of great sadness, are suggesting folks continue to care for military families as part of Jeff’s legacy.

Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers as they navigate life here on earth without him.

Dear Fisher House – May 16, 2021

“There are those that hear the word only and those that do the word.  Here they give with a smile.  They make you feel very special.  They listen, and are servants to your needs.  May our Heavenly Father richly bless them all and some day each will hear these words.  Well Done my good and faithful servant.”

Written in the journal of our home…….

Military Spouse Appreciation 2021

Along with the tremendous strength and patriotism they have, military spouses endure frequent change and unexpected developments in their lives. They prepare for many unknowns during military life, often unable to make a plan for more than a few days in advance. The hold down the home front during deployments, training, and many other circumstances while their husband or wife serve their country. Here is a highlight reel of some of ours!

March 29 – Dear Fisher House….

Dear Fisher House,

Thank you for being a safe, comfortable haven as my husband received surgery and treatment for his recent cancer diagnosis.  Being able to stay so close to the Eglin hospital during a such a stressful time truly was a blessing to us.

As a small token of our appreciation, we have ordered to be delivered to the house some food items from the local Sam’s Club to be available to future guests.  The items ordered are healthy snacks, coffee, teas, etc.  They will be arriving this week in three different shipments.  Please provide at your discretion to the guests.

Again, thank you so much to Marc, John, Donny and Judyann, you all made our stay so comfortable and stress-free!

With great appreciation,

Is a blessing random?

This week our home on Eglin has hosted a family with some not so great news.  With current restrictions on house occupancy, one family member can stay at our house, the remaining members who are drawing near for those final precious moments will be staying at partner hotels.  Their journey saddens me and makes me wish no one ever needed our comfort home.  BUT it also makes me grateful for all the wonderful people who support our mission with time and treasure so that no one is ever turned away.

I received a call today from a credit union near Warner Robbins.  They had an elderly member who recently passed and had designated the remaining proceeds from their retirement account to the Eglin Fisher House. An apology was offered as “it wasn’t much money.”  I shared our gratitude and the message of timeliness for the young family saying their final goodbyes this week and that every amount is meaningful both to the giver and to us as the steward of those funds.  A sweet moment because someone in Warner Robbins had some connection to the military, to our house specifically and wanted their remaining treasure spent on military and veteran families.    It gave me comfort that needs are met through folks we will never meet.

Our generous community always comes through, even when it’s as far away as Warner Robbins, to remember a long life well lived, and another one cut tragically short through illness.  (It actually made me weep to think of how random things really are not. Tears of joy for the kind donor’s meaningful gift to the tears of sadness for our family.)

The take away; life is short, no matter the length, love well, love often and make a difference in the lives of those around you.


Happy Birthday Doc A!

Our board of directors is blessed with some great servant leaders.  Today we celebrate Doc A, AKA Joe Agostinelli, USAF, Retired and distinguished member of our community and our Fisher House.  He volunteers with us, the USO and he LOVES all things sports related.  He can often be found on a diamond, his own field of dreams.  Thanks Doc A for all you do for us and others.   Here is a little video we did to celebrate wonderful you.