We are blessed with individuals, military squadrons, military spouses, groups of private and corporate teams who believe like we do that comfort comes from many sources, including a home cooked meal. Become a meaningful gesture to our families during a medical event by answering the call, What’s for Dinner? You can pick the date, the cuisine, no dietary restrictions necessary and two days before your dinner date, you will receive an email reminder with a request to call the house for current occupancy numbers. Whether for 1 or 2, or a house full, our guests feel the love when they return at the end of the day to the smell of something good coming from the kitchen. Meanwhile back at momma’s…..
What is your superpower? Bless our mission today. A happy tummy helps heal a heart! (It’s not a bad therapy for the hands that prepare it either.) Don’t want to do a whole meal? Once a month, we have cookies and kindness, and a few times a month, we have National Days……do a little, it means a lot.
ASUS, Inc, Eglin Spouses Club, the Hogans, the 505th, Destin Woman’s Club, ASMC and the 492nd are just a few of our recent frequent fliers…..come make a meal happen.