Rangers Lead The Way
What a day in the swamp! For the past two years, Camp Rudder and their leadership have invited military affairs members to a day of training. We did the river swim and swamp walk last year, and this year, Dan Nowers of Odyssey Systems Consulting Group and Fisher House board member received his certificate of achievement. Trust me, the river crossing AKA swim is neck deep and not for the faint of heart. Shiver me timbers!
Everyone had a great attitude and literally jumped right into the swamp to experience a tiny taste of the training our 6th Ranger Training Battalion Camp Rudder Army Ranger students endure.
The water was a chilly 50 degrees, but this group of civilians took it in stride. A reptile show was included in the tour and our attendees were able to get up close, and even a hands-on experience with some of the resident reptiles.
Thank you to our Rangers for their service to the nation and for welcoming us to their home.
Did you know? Our home on Eglin AFB is open to all services and a few student Rangers have been cared for in our home as they rehabilitate after injuries.