Introducing Gordy Fornell, Board of Directors Vice President

Check out the great work that was done in the month of June supporting our military men and women. Click here.
Good news coming soon on our 9th Annual Fisher House Gala – Helping Heroes Black Tie, featuring Ed Hubbard.
Check out the great work that is being done in the month of May supporting our military men and women. Click Here.
Costa Enterprises, which operates 19 McDonald’s locations in Northwest Florida, recently presented a $1,500 donation to Fisher House of the Emerald Coast, Inc. through their Coffee for a Cause campaign. The Costa family donated 50 percent of net proceeds from Monday coffee sales in the month of January to a local non-profit agency. Donations made to Fisher House enable the organization to continue supporting military families during medical needs with lodging and transportation. Fisher House, located on Eglin AFB opened in September of 2010, and has saved military families over $1,000,000 in lodging and transportation. The geographic footprint offers services to residents from Pensacola to Panama City.
The check was presented to board members Gordon Fornell and Katy Mitchell, along with board president, Teresa Halverson. Representatives of Costa Enterprises – McDonalds included Roslyn Snyder, Steven Killebrew, David Costa, Jr., Jackie Wells, Dennis Ealy and Jesse Bell.
“David and his family have always made giving back to the communities they serve a top priority,” said Teresa Halverson, board of director’s president. “The program that they created has become a trendsetter for other operators and we were honored to be selected again. “
The Board of Directors for the Fisher House of the Emerald Coast (FHEC) welcomes Mia Hughes as their new Administrative Director. Her responsibilities will include raising funds to support the House, event planning and educating the community about what the Fisher House provides for the military in the panhandle. Fisher House, located on Eglin AFB opened in September of 2010, and began serving its first guests in October of that same year. The geographic footprint offers services to residents from Pensacola to Panama City. To date, it has saved military families over $1,000,000 in lodging and transportation.
With more than thirty years of business management and non-profit experience, Mia has been involved with local military families as a community supporter since 2008. This new opportunity brings that passion and commitment full circle in a formal capacity as she takes the leadership role as the sole staff person. She was previously Assistant Vice President of the Greater Pensacola Chamber and recently served with the Navarre Area Board of Realtors. Originally from Panama City, she now calls Navarre home with her spouse, Tony. Together they have six children, four grandchildren, two horses and a classified number of cats. They are members of Community Life Methodist Church and enjoy cycling, horseback riding, boating and classic cars.
“Mia brings a tremendous background in non-profit management, fund raising and public relations,” said Teresa Halverson, Board of Directors President. “As the demand for our services increase, we believe that having someone on board with Mia’s energy and organizational detail is critical to fulfilling our mission, which is to serve those who serve us. “
Operation Hero Miles
The original concept of Operation Hero Mileswas created by Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersbeger in cooperation with close to a dozen United States Airlines in October, 2003. Since then, the program has provided over 13,000 airline tickets from over 380 million donated frequent flyer miles, allowing wounded service men and women to visit their families between treatments and transporting loved ones to military medical centers, while their wounded family member receives urgent care.
The program, brilliant in its simplicity, is not just aimed at corporate America. The most typical donors are retired couples who give a few thousand miles at a time. James Weiskopf the Fisher House Foundation’s vice president for communications comments, “When enough people donate small amounts, it becomes a large amount”.
Operation Hero Miles gives ordinary citizens an opportunity to help our troops in a very direct way that makes a real difference in their lives. For more information on how to donate frequent flyer miles or credit card frequent flyer points, visit:
Navarre Lions Club Supports Fisher House Again!
December 2008
Fisher House of the Emerald Coast were the beneficiaries for the second successive year of the Navarre Lions Club Golf Tournament, held recently at the Hidden Creek Golf Club in Navarre.
Fisher House board member Angela Campbell is pictured receiving a check for $750 from Lions Club president Denny Hufstader and treasurer Shari Bauer.
Fisher House of the Emerald Coast Golf Tournament
December 2008
At the recent Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce breakfast meeting, members of the Chamber Young Professionals who helped coordinate the First Annual Fisher House Emerald Coast Golf Tournament, presented vice president of the organization, General Joe Oder (Ret’d.), with a check for $20,450 from the event. Teams participating in the shot gun tournament held in September of this year at Kelly Plantation in Destin, enjoyed a gala dinner the night before.
The event was sponsored by Coastal Business Products, Indyne, Inc. & J.E.® Jacobs.
Pictured with General Oder are Paul Brannon and Chad Hamilton of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber Young Professionals.