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Author: Joe Public

7th Annual Navarre Beach Pub Crawl nets $2,800 for Fisher House

Rob Reyes, owner of Stripes Pub & Grill in Navarre, Florida, recently presented a $2,800 donation to Fisher House of the Emerald Coast, Inc. through their 7th Annual Navarre Beach Pub Crawl, t-shirt sales.

The check was presented to board members Jim Fisher and Richard Dick, along with Administrative Director, Mia Hughes.  This event has raised $14,326 in its seven year history.

“We appreciate Rob’s military service and his continued devotion to our mission,” said Teresa Halverson, board of director’s president.  “The annual Pub Crawl continues to gain momentum, both in popularity and prosperity for our organization, year after year and has encouraged other communities blessed with Fisher Houses to model their events after the success of Rob’s. “

Choctawhatchee Leadership Class and ROTC Team Up for Fisher House

Huston led the Leadership class and ROTC program from Choctawhatchee High School, collecting 2 pallets of items from the pantry wish list from Sam’s Club. They delivered their blessing to the house and were greeted by house manager and base leadership. “Train up a child in the way he should go” has not fallen on deaf ears in these amazing leaders of tomorrow!

Blountstown Pharmacy host Veterans Day 5k and donate $8106 to Fisher House

Johanna and our friends at Blountstown Pharmacy raised $8106 for your local Fisher House in the inaugural 5k Veteran’s Day run. Our footprint is from Pensacola to Panama City and approximately 25% of our guests come from Panama City/Tyndall area.  We have some great partners across the panhandle taking care of our military and their families.

AMVETS Post 78 raise $720 for Fisher House

What happens when a group of dedicated people come together to make good things happen?  Great thing happen – the AMVETS of Post 78 hosted a roast and raised $720 for your local Fisher House.  We love our AMVET friends across the region.

Bear Bait Ultras donate $6500 to Fisher House

For their second year in a row, this group of dedicated athletes and military supporters have hosted a successful event and donated proceeds to your  local Fisher House.  Next year’s is already on the schedule, register early, it’s fun and for a great cause. Dan, Bo and Dalia present the check to Teresa Halverson.