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Author: Joe Public

Eglin Fisher House gets new furniture

New Furniture Arrived in July, thanks to our generous community. It is so lovely and our guests are so worthy of the best love and care!  Awesome photography courtesy of Marc Ambrose.  

Lady Boss Market donates $500 to Fisher House on Eglin

Lady Boss Market presented their proceeds from this year’s event, $500 WOW! Thanks, Kellie, April and Jenn! They shared this inaugural event was such a success, they will host another one in 2019! Woo hoo! Myra Arnold and Don Peckham were also on hand to receive the BIG CHECK.

Bear Bait Ultra donates $3,000 to Eglin Fisher House

So what’s a Bear Bait Ultras you ask? An old school, low key and well-organized ultra and trail experience for our runners that benefits the Emerald Coast Fisher House. We are grateful for their continued support of our mission while hosting a great ultra! Dan presents this year’s proceeds to Jerry Williams and Bryan Creager. 2019 is happening, get signed up before they fill up!

Just get it done – “absolutely stellar stuff”

Sharing words from one of our non-medical attendants regarding our care of one of our guests…..who agrees that the trend to accept mediocre and applaud exceptional needs to change?

“It’s been a pleasure to know you as well; you get it done and I respect that. No one seems to just get it done anymore. This experience has been amazing and has given me a whole new perspective on Fisher house and what you guys do (which I’ll admit I’ve never had first-hand experience with). Absolutely stellar stuff. I’m very comfortable leaving (my guest) here knowing this will be the right place for her to recover and you guys have her back. ”

Always have someone’s back and make a difference in some small way every day……

Words from Guests

April 12, 2018

“Thank you so much for being here while my son is in ICU due to health serious issues.  He is special needs and can’t communicate so I can’t tell you how much this place means to me.  Having a place to come and rest, wash clothes at night and a place to lay my head – I never worried I was bringing any kind of unclean things to him.  Thank you for being there.”

Girl Scouts Sell Cookies and Donate $500 to Eglin Fisher House

Think of our future leaders…..and know that the Girl Scouts of FL Panhandle, Troop 747 are civic minded and care about their military community. They made the cutest goody bags for the house guests, toured the home yesterday and surprised us with a $500 donation from their cookie proceeds. So grateful!

Mosquito Joe’s Donates $380 to Eglin Fisher House

Mosquito Joe in Niceville is making outside fun again and blessing our military families at the same time. They hosted a fundraiser for our Fisher House on Eglin and raised $380. Share their awesome mojo and tell them YOU also support our guests! Mosquito Joe of NW Florida Sara and Marc in front of the founders The Fishers!

Words from Guests April 11, 2018

March 23, 2018
“Unbelievably blessed to meet the staff who are awesome and very friendly and have the opportunity to stay here.  Last night was the first night, I hadn’t slept in 4 days but slept so peacefully here.  Everyone offers to pray for you although they are dealing with something as well.  Extremely grateful! Day One”

April 11, 2018 – Still with us
“Praying for healing, peace and blessings to all those currently residing and future residents of the Fisher House.   A special prayer goes up for the staff who are amazing.  I can’t thank everyone enough for their kindness.  God Bless and thank you from the bottom of my heart!”