Fisher House Emerald Coast hosts online auction October 15 -22
As our 13th Annual Helping Heroes Gala goes on hiatus for 2020, the #carecontinues when considering the needs of our military and veteran families. While our home has remained open with limitations, additional families have been placed in partner hotels, keeping them together for hope and healing during a medical event.
Want to help us fulfil this mission? Ways include visiting our online auction, it’s ready for review and easy to bid. Items include our very popular bucket list vacations, a crowd favorite in our 400-person black tie event each year. YOU get to be included this year from anywhere USA. Register early by texting helpingheroes to 22454.
The auction opens October 15 and will conclude October 22. Here is the auction site.
Remember, it’s not just a shopping experience. It’s a way to bless military families. At Fisher House, we are a blessing connection. Giving generous supporters the opportunity to bless a military family in need, saying thank you for your service and sacrifice in a very real tangible way. #loveisgoodmedicine