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At Fisher House of the Emerald Coast, we love to share our mission.  Listed below are answers to your frequently asked questions.  Click here for a take long you may share with others.   Have a new question?  Please let us know.  Volunteering Q. Do Fisher Houses need volunteers? What skills or background are needed? A. Fisher Houses™ have a full-time, salaried manager (our home is blessed with two) and our local foundation depends on voluntary support to enhance daily operations and program expansion. Various events are always underway and we love our volunteers!  Skills and background varies based on the assignment and event. Many of the opportunities are available here and include baking, meal preparation, spring cleaning and volunteering at community events that benefit our house on Eglin AFB.  You may also request additional information by contacting Mia Hughes at 850-259-4956 or email:  [email protected]. 


Q. Do Fisher Houses need volunteers? What skills or background are needed?

A. Fisher Houses™ have a full-time, salaried manager (our home is blessed with two) and our local foundation depends on voluntary support to enhance daily operations and program expansion. Various events are always underway and we love our volunteers!  Skills and background varies based on the assignment and event. Many of the opportunities are available here and include baking, meal preparation, spring cleaning and volunteering at community events that benefit our house on Eglin AFB.  You may also request additional information by contacting Mia Hughes at 850-259-4956 or email:  [email protected].

Q. Can I just stop by to visit a Fisher House?

A.  We love to showcase our beautiful home that blesses so many!  Visits may be arranged through the manager of the house and are scheduled during the week due to staffing and courtesy for the guests.

Q. Is there a charge to stay at a Fisher House?

A. No. Families do not pay to stay at a Fisher House.  Fees at Army, Navy and Air Force Fisher Houses are underwritten by Fisher House Foundation.

Financial Support:

Q. Where do I mail a contribution?

Fisher House of the Emerald Coast
P.O. Box 2007
Eglin Air Force Base, Florida 32542

Designating a contribution:

Q. Can I designate a contribution “in honor of” or “in memory of” an individual or organization?

A. Yes.  Please let us know when contributing so that we may notify the person being honored and the loved ones of those being remembered.  P.S.  We appreciate your support. 

Q. Will you notify the person being honored or a relative for contributions made as a memorial gift?

A. Yes, please see the question above and remember to share contact information for those being honored and family information for those being remembered.  We will send a card letting them know that a contribution has been made.  We will also send an acknowledgement to the donor (that’s you!) for tax purposes.

Our Partnership:

Q. Who pays for a Fisher House?

A.  Fisher House Foundation pays for the construction costs and for furnishing each Fisher House, and the Foundation will have the money on hand before construction begins.  The Foundation normally asks that half the money for a new house be raised in the local area, and provides one-for-one matching.

Q. Are government funds used for the program?

A.  There is unique legislation for the Fisher House program.  For building new houses, the Fisher House Foundation has received some Congressionally appropriated funds.  Once an individual house is given to the military, it is supported by two sources of funds: (1) from the income generated by a congressionally approved trust fund maintained by each military service (these funds are referred to as “nonappropriated funds”) and (2) from voluntary donations, given by individuals and organizations.  Included in this category is the annual Combined Federal Campaign.  Houses located at VA medical centers do receive support from tax dollars.

Q. How can we help over and above what the government pays?

A.  The government pays only a portion of the costs.  We enjoy a “unique private – public partnership,” and in many instances, because the funds benefit a specific individual or family, laws and regulations prohibit expenditure of government funds, but do permit the expenditure of privately donated funds.

Q. Are more houses being built?

A.  The decision where to build is based on need, and approved by the Fisher House Foundation’s Board of Trustees, which meets twice a year.  Normally, a need is identified and justification is submitted from the medical center to either the service Surgeon General (Army, Navy or Air Force) or the Secretary of Veterans Affairs for Fisher Houses at VA medical centers.  The requesting medical center commander or director must demonstrate that the mission of his or her medical center is one that brings to its patients from beyond the normal daily commuting distance (at least 50 miles) for long periods of time.  While the number of beds at a medical center is a consideration, the center must normally be a “center of excellence” or referral center for other smaller medical centers or hospitals.

Tax Deductions:

Q. Are donations tax deductible?

A. Fisher House of the Emerald Coast, Inc is an independent non-profit organization under Section 501 (c) (3) of the IRS Code, EIN 26-0283970.  For further information, please contact the IRS.


Q. Can I donate stock or other negotiable securities?

A. Yes, we accept stock and other securities as charitable donations. To make a donation of any marketable securities, please telephone our director at 850-259-4956 or by email at [email protected] for delivery instructions.

In Kind Donations:

Q. Do you accept in-kind donations?

A. Yes. Please call the House Manager, Marc Ambrose, at 850-883.2865 for a list of current needs.

Mailing Lists:

Q. Is my personal information (name, address, amount of donation) kept private?

A. Yes. We do not sell or trade names of donors, nor do we do telephone solicitations.  We do retain your information in our data base, but only so it is available for review by our auditors who ensure we are in compliance with all laws affecting nonprofit organizations.