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Our Pre Birthday Celebration as our House Turns 9 this year….

Who loves our military like we do???? YOU and our community of friends, family, fans, sponsors and volunteers – that’s who! #loveisgoodmedicine join us in welcoming some love to our home who turns 9 this year in just a week. We are lighting the candles in her cake! She’s a little young for a face lift but she is getting a new exterior refinish on the building and some improved coating on the sidewalks, making for easier travel for our guests coming over from the award winning Eglin hospital.
We will share the journey with some before and after…….Our military families deserve the best!

Meet Cynthia. Be like Cynthia and share about Fisher House.

“My dad suffered a heart failure 4x, we drove Fort Campbell, Kentucky. After being here for almost a month it was a financial strain on us. We struggled, we were sleeping in our car while my dad continued to struggle to survive. A remarkable woman named Cynthia (In ICU) said “I know a way to help ya’ll its called Fisher House.” Our lives changed in a unique way. God has been so good, providing us with a way to continue to be here for my dad, but no longer suffering financially. Fisher House has been a splendid life changing blessing for our family. We thank you for your compassion, patience, support, assistance, encouragement, inspiration, restoration, comfort and delicious meals provided by beautifully kind caring people. We will never forget this one of a kind unique exceptional blessing called Fisher House and the wonderful people Marc Ambrose, Donny Peckman, John Stephens, Miss Judy and all the countless others who bring it all together for people like us.”

PS – We surprised her today with an Edible Arrangement and some Fisher House swag for going above and beyond to bless this family; i.e., connect a dot, bring a need to a resource.  Seriously, be like Cynthia so no military family in your circle sleeps in their car during medical treatment.

Words from guests….how you change a life through our comfort home

August 31

“We are really grateful for being here, it was very nice and all of you are just very kind people. God bless you all.”

“Thank you for all you do. It was such a blessing to have this facility. God bless and know that your work is so appreciated and we are FOREVER grateful.”

Fisher House supports 2019 CareerSource Veteran Job Fair in Crestview

On Thursday, July 18, 2019 our Corporate Intern Jenny Hendry, along with board member Karen Spence attended the 2019 Veteran Job Fair in Crestview, hosted by our friends at CareerSource.  102 job seekers attended and participants included 49 Veterans, 7 transitioning service members, and 14 spouses of active duty or Veterans.   Several current sponsors of Fisher House were among the exhibitors!

Fisher House of the Emerald Coast showcases 12th Annual Gala with the Destin Chamber

On July 9th, Jenny Hendry our corporate intern attended the 6th Annual Great American Cookout hosted by the Destin Chamber of Commerce.  Teresa Halverson, board chair, along with Joe Agostinelli attended where we got some great videos of those in attendance to help promote our upcoming 12th annual Gala.  Win-Win!  Click here for fun video!

Jenny Hendry and Joe Agostinelli
Jenni, Bill and Teresa
Keeping Families together
Jenny with new friends

God led us to the Fisher House…..

Words from Guests, June 15, 2019

“God led us to the Fisher House when we were in need and what a blessing it has been.  I will always remember the kind, caring staff.  We couldn’t have asked for a better, more beautiful place to stay.  I hope that Zachary and Elizabeth Fisher can see how many families they have helped.  What an amazing legacy.  Thanks to all of you!”

Here is the rest of the story….”my husband suffered a heart attack while we were vacationing in Destin.  He had 7 stints and was in ICU for 7 days and the hospital 9 days total.  He was not allowed to travel for over a week after he was released.  Two days after he went to the hospital, we had to be out of our condo and everywhere we looked, they were booked or too expensive.  God sent us to Fisher House.  it was so much more than we could have ever imagined.  It took a huge burden off of my shoulders.  The staff was amazing.  I can’t thank you enough for all you have done for us.  Your kindness and support during a very stressful time will never be forgotten.  May God bless each of you as you have been a true blessing to us.  We will never forget ya’ll or the Fisher House.”

How awesome is the Commander of your host base?

Military Education 101: What is a General Officer?

On Friday afternoon of last week, while attending an informal gathering on base to celebrate the command of 33FW Colonel Paul “Max” Moga and his lovely wife Amanda, I learned that a Fisher House guest has driven over to see the Commander of the 96th Test Wing earlier that day.  Yikes is your first thought……and WOW is your second one.  The guest was so impressed with the care he had received, he wanted to tell Brigadier General Dertien first hand.  Without an appointment and unannounced, he found his way to headquarters and was received warmly by staff, who apologetically shared that General Dertien had just returned from extensive travel and was not currently in the office.  Our guest said he wasn’t in a hurry and would wait.  He did wait for awhile, but decided to return to the house which is located across from the hospital.

Here’s the part that will make you over the top proud of our host, 96th Test Wing Commander Brigadier General Evan Dertien.  He had been on extended travel and his schedule is set many weeks and months in advance in coordination with many moving parts, offering little room for wiggle.  Add in  change of command season with everyone wanting/needing some of his time to preside over events and ceremonies, not to mention his own impending change of command early July with a hand off to someone else.

BUT……when he returned later to his office on Friday, he learned that a Fisher House guest visited him.  He could have felt comforted that his very capable staff received the gentleman warmly and their assurance to pass along the kind sentiment was indeed shared. BUT….when he returned later to his office on Friday, he decided to pay a visit himself.  He drove over to the Fisher House, at 350 Boatner Road, tapped on the door and asked to see the guest who had earlier visited him.  They chatted for awhile and the guest felt like he had received the most distinguished visitor, and he had, Brigadier General Dertien.  Our guest told the staff later he felt like Santa Claus himself had come in June.

The fact that this very busy person took precious time out of his very busy day to speak with someone, who can never repay him, speaks volumes about the kind of leadership the 96th Test Wing at Eglin has enjoyed for the past two years.  We are so lucky that our house sits on Eglin AFB and that Brigadier General Evan Dertien and his wife Erika have crossed our paths.  They both have been very involved with our mission, preparing meals, paving the way to receive our donation of furniture and now, impacting a guest in this way.  We wish them well as the embark on their next journey.  They have left a very high bar for the future and for Team Eglin engagement.

The guest also wrote this in the journal of his room at our Fisher House on Eglin.

Words from Guest:  June 17, 2019

“For about 9 weeks, we have thoroughly enjoyed this miracle known worldwide as “Fisher House.”  It’s an excellent place to heal and find new friends.  One cannot find a more capable and caring staff than Marc, Don, John and Judy.  We feel very blessed that all this came together after not being on an air force base for 54 years.”