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Rob Connell joins Fisher House Board

Recently retired U.S. Army Special Forces Officer with 28 years of service in a wide variety of command and staff positions from platoon through Combatant Command level. Worked throughout Latin America, Europe, Middle East, Central Asia and the Pacific Rim. Education background includes Undergrad and Post-Graduate degrees. Rob is currently a Senior Program Analyst with the Technology Integration Support Center – a MAG Aerospace company that directly supports Air Force Special Operations Command and the SOF community at large. P.S. Rob was at the table when Arnold Fisher made the decision to bring the Intrepid Spirit Center to Eglin and was instrumental in highlighting the immediate need for our war fighters in the treatment of brain injuries, and invisible wounds.  We love having former members of the Red Empire, 7th SFG overseeing the care of our wonderful mission, serving military and veteran families during their time of medical need.